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Collections: 1970 Dodge Charger R/T

With the recent release of the Fast and Furious 1970 Dodge Charger R/T, Hot Wheels has now produced four different colours, starting with the purple and orange in 2011, followed by the lime green in 2012, and lastly the black one this year 2013.  I'm not crazy about the chrome interiors and wish they had used the dark gray interior on all the models just like the lime green version.

Heeding the advice of all my loyal readers here, I used a black marker on the front grille and a red one for the taillights.  Do they look better now?  Let me know!

Brand: Hot Wheels
Model: 1970 Dodge Charger R/T
Series: 2011, 2012, 2013 Mainlines.


  1. I've used colored Sharpies for grill work and lights. Looks good on most cars.

  2. Never found these models on the shelves (or maybe I am always seeking for 1970 Dodge Challenger instead of Charger).

    By the way, are these Fast and Furious versions?

    1. hi huggs, mine are all the mainline versions, not the more expensive F and F ones.

  3. Got 3 pieces of the Black version of this model thanks in part for it being the car featured in the FnF movies... but might look for the other variants for theu also look cool specially the green one!!!

  4. I've got an orange one and I used a black marker on the front grille and a red one for the taillights too. I also changed the wheels into rubber ones (from Lionheart) and repainted the interior - now it's black matte.

  5. hi!! where did you get the blue version?

    1. don't remember now, but more than likely Walmart or Toysrus my only diecast sources around here.


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